Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Guilty Conscience: January 19, 2016

Focus: Can a good person commit an evil deed and still be a good person?

1. Warming up with a quick little game: "In a word..." (recap of Act 1)

2. Viewing the film version of Act 1, Scene 7 with same focus as yesterday:

In your "In-class Work" document, please try out the following tasks:
  • Find two symbolic choices made by the director.  Consider the actors, colors, objects, movements, and anything else that involved the director making a specific choice in turning this play into a film.
  • Why do you think he made these choices?
  • What did the film specifically help clarify for you?

3. Acting out Act 2, scene 1 with the following tasks:

Note to self/class: I need a bell person.
  • When you see any images that might represent goodevil, or guilt (or lack of guilt), please mark them.
  • Keep looking for your word trace word.
4. Gathering with ye ole "I like people" groups

  • Topic #1: How do you, personally, define the terms "good" and "evil"?
  • Topic #2: How do you, personally, define "conscience"?  Does everybody have one? Are you born with one? How does one develop a conscience?
  • Topic #3: In Act 2, when Macbeth is hallucinating the dagger, which words connote good and/or evil?  How?  Overall, what might the dagger symbolize?
5. Wrapping up with rewarding yourself for minutes spent reading

1. Update your word trace entries for Act 2, scene 1; see my feedback on your Act 1 entries.

2. Your www.noredink.com assignment, "Capitalizing Ethnicies, Politics, and Things in Space," is due before class on Friday.

3. Bring your banned book to class Friday. Log your minutes spent reading it this week, aiming for at least 90 minutes a week (this breaks down into 12.9 minutes a day, but break it up in a way that matches your reading style). Log your minutes using either the chart given out in class or an app, such as You-Log Reading.

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