Monday, May 16, 2016

The Final: May 16 or 17, 2016

Focus: What can we learn about our society through each other's films?


1. Warming up with a few final thoughts:
  • Turn in your Works Cited page with your name on it (if it's not in your film).  
  • Keep it on the quiet side...tests could be happening on the other side of the wall.
  • No late work will be accepted at this point; make-up work and revisions were due last Wednesday.
  • Final grades for this class will be posted by noon the day after your English final.
  • An 89.4% = B+; an 89.5 = A-. Grades are non-negotiable, so please don't e-mail me.
  • Watch each other's mockumentaries respectfully, and enjoy!

2. Presenting our films!

3. Click HERE for the course evaluation.

Have a fantastic summer, and please stop by next year to say hello!

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Final Begins! May 13, 2016

Focus: What can we learn about our society through each other's films?

1. Warming up with a few final thoughts:
  • Turn in your Works Cited page with your name on it (if it's not in your film).  
  • Keep it on the quiet side...tests could be happening on the other side of the wall.
  • No late work will be accepted at this point; make-up work and revisions were due last Wednesday.
  • Final grades for this class will be posted by noon the day after your English final.
  • An 89.4% = B+; an 89.5 = A-. Grades are non-negotiable, so please don't e-mail me.
  • Watch each other's mockumentaries respectfully, and enjoy!

2. Presenting our films!

Do you know when your English 10 final is?
(If you are not present at your final, your film will be counted as late and receive half credit.)

1st hour: Monday, 7:15 am
3rd hour: Tuesday, 8:56 am

1. Show up for your final on time.

2. If you have any books, please turn them in to avoid hold-ups at arena scheduling.

3. If you have a school Chromebook, you must turn it in and its charger on the day of your final in this class.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Finalizing the Film: May 12, 2016

Focus: What final editing does our film need?

1. Warming up with Ms. Leclaire's final mini lesson on publishing:

Be sure your film is finalized and shared BEFORE class tomorrow (it can take some time, so don't wait until class).
  • You will likely click "Publish," and/or "Exports" and/or "Upload to Youtube"; you don't have to convert to a youtube video, but you need to have a link you can share with me and simply click "play." 
  • Check to make sure it works.
  • E-mail your link to me at OR share it with me by placing it in your English 10 folder in Google Drive.
  • You want it in a place where you won't have to sign in on my computer.

2. Working on your films for the final time!

3. Looking through the rubric one last time; make sure you have a copy for me to use tomorrow. Remember also that your Works Cited page must either be part of your film or printed; it cannot just be shared with me via Google Drive.

Do you know when your English 10 final is?
(If you are not present at your final, your film will be counted as late and receive half credit.)

1st hour: Monday, 7:15 am
3rd hour: Tuesday, 8:56 am

1. Mockumentaries are due at the beginning of class tomorrow, May 13. Extensions are not an option, so you will need to play your film as it is.

2. Please print your Works Cited page or include it in your film. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Editing the Film: May 11, 2016

Focus: How can we edit and polish our films?

1. Warming up with shocking last-minute conversations of years past

2. Offering you a mini lesson on Works Cited pages: Try

Your two Works Cited options:

Include a Works Cited slide in your film.


PRINT a hard copy of a Works Cited page and hand it in BEFORE you present your film.  Please do not just Google share it with me because I will be grading your films on the spot.

Remember to include all sites on your Works Cited page.

3. Working on your mockumentary films and checking out THE RUBRIC

1. Record your narration today/tonight if you have not yet done so.
2. TODAY is the final deadline for revisions, make-up work, etc.
4. MAY 13 is the final deadline for mockumentaries; no extensions will be granted.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Creating the Film: May 10, 2016

Focus: What techniques can we use to create the film?

1. Warming up with simple yet effective film techniques:

Example #1: A published mockumentary from 2007: Epic
Example #2: Supersize Me

2. Giving you time to gather images, music, and videos

Here are helpful links/ideas from yesterday's blog:
  • MUSIC: Click HERE  for a website that converts youtube music videos to MP3s (this is an easy way to get music for your film).
  • VIDEO: Click HERE for a website that converts youtube videos into videos (MP4s) you can use in your film.
  • If your film will be five minutes or less (or you're willing to pay), try
  • If you have a Mac, use iMovie.
  • If you have a laptop with Windows and your film will be longer than five minutes, try Movie Maker.
1. Record your narration today/tonight if you have not yet done so.
2. MAY 11 (tomorrow) is the final deadline for revisions, make-up work, etc.
3. MAY 13 is the final deadline for mockumentaries; no extensions will be granted.
4. If you have a laptop, you need to be charging it and bringing it this week.

Monday, May 9, 2016

From Script to Film: May 9, 2016

Focus: How do we turn our preparatory work into a film?

1. Warming up with happy Monday thoughts and self-editing your script

2. Offering you a few film-making options:
  • If your film will be five minutes or less (or you're willing to pay), try
  • If you have a Mac, use iMovie.
  • If you have a laptop with Windows and your film will be longer than five minutes, try Movie Maker.
3. Giving you time to gather images, music, and videos

Here are two helpful conversion websites:

MUSIC: Click HERE  for a website that converts youtube music videos to MP3s (this is an easy way to get music for your film).

VIDEO: Click HERE for a website that converts youtube videos into videos (MP4s) you can use in your film.


1. Record your narration at home.
2. MAY 11 is the final deadline for revisions, make-up work, etc.
4. MAY 13 is the final deadline for mockumentaries; no extensions will be granted.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Writing the Script, Part 2: May 6, 2016

Focus: How do we write compelling scripts?

(1st hour: Our last banned book presentation)

1. Warming up with a common script pitfall (and how to avoid it)

  • Put your head down when you lose interest.
  • What does this script need?

2. Looking at a sample script and developing/editing the timeline and script for your mockumentary

  • Highlight/underline the parts that grab your attention. What makes them powerful?

3. Setting your own timeline for this weekend and next week

1. Finish your script and aim to record it over the weekend; recording your script will take you approximately one zillion hours.

2. Final mockumentaries are due before class on May 13 (the last Friday of classes); this means that you have six work days left. Extensions will not be granted for any reason. Students usually have one or two nights during this project where they spend a few solid homework hours creating their film (especially when it's time to record the script).

3. All make-up work/revisions must be submitted by Wednesday, May 11. No grades in IC will be changed after this point (this is to ensure that I have time to grade your work).

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Writing the Script: May 5, 2016

Focus: How do we write a script to develop real and imagined events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences? 

1. Warming up: Listening to an opening clip from a "real" documentary
What do you notice about the script itself (powerful words and phrases)?
How does the script turn this into a movie about us? In other words, how does it capture human interest?
What ideas can you steal for your mockumentary?

2. Looking at a sample script and developing/editing the timeline and script for your mockumentary

3. Please make sure that by the end of class, you have shown me your annotated research and your timeline as an absolute minimum; hopefully, you can show me your script as well. Please note that we have only FIVE days of work time left.

1. Finish your script by the end of class on Friday; aim to record it over the weekend; recording your script will take you approximately one zillion hours.

2. Final mockumentaries are due before class on May 13 (the last Friday of classes); this means that you have six work days left. Extensions will not be granted for any reason. Students usually have one or two nights during this project where they spend a few solid homework hours creating their film (especially when it's time to record the script).

3. All make-up work/revisions must be submitted by Wednesday, May 11. No grades in IC will be changed after this point (this is to ensure that I have time to grade your work).

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trending, Then and Now: May 4, 2016

Focus: How can we combine our ability to invent with our ability analyze history?

1.Warming up: Which projection into the future is stronger and why?

Projection #1: In the year 2021, Apple releases a new version of iPod that is smaller, comes in various colors and patterns, and can be worn as jewelry.

Projection #2: In the year 2021, Apple releases iChip 1, an iPod that measures one millimeter by one millimeter and can be implanted directly into the tympanic cavity of the ear. Although the iChip has to be surgically implanted, it is an outpatient procedure costing less than a typical professional teeth whitening session. Many recipients of the iChip 1, however, complain about the inability to turn the iChip off, finding themselves tormented by constant noise and unable to think or concentrate.

2. Offering you an overview of the timeline (click here for an example)

3. Finishing your annotated research and creating your timeline

THE TRICK: Find interesting trends from the past and imagining how they might play out in the future.

1. Please finish your timeline before class tomorrow so that you can use Thursday and Friday and compose and start recording your script.

2. Final mockumentaries are due before class on May 13 (the last Friday of classes); this means that you have six work days left. Extensions will not be granted for any reason. Students usually have one or two nights during this project where they spend a few solid homework hours creating their film (especially when it's time to record the script).

Monday, May 2, 2016

Tackling the Research: May 3, 2016

Focus: How we can we establish a strong, academic background for our mockumentaries?

1. Warming up with banned book presentations

2. Finishing your how/why charts and five annotated articles; please show me EACH STEP AS YOU FINISH.
  • Remember that you need to annotate each article with your brainstorming and questions: 
    • You can copy and paste articles into a Google doc and insert comments, or 
    • You can print and manually highlight and jot stuff down, or 
    • You can copy only what you need from each article and follow it with a bullet point of your thoughts. Whatever works!
  • Keep track of your sources and start a Works Cited page (I suggest Easybib and a list of hyperlinks).
  • Keep everything inside your Mockumentary Folder.

3. Introducing the timeline and creating your projections into the future

1. If you have not yet finished finding and annotating your five annotated articles, please finish BEFORE class tomorrow.

2. Remember that final mockumentaries are due before class on May 13 (this is the last Friday of classes); we will be begin watching them promptly at 7:20 and will continue watching them through our finals period.