Wednesday, January 13, 2016

To Trust or Not To Trust: January 13, 2016

Focus: Whom do we trust? To what extent do we trust ourselves?

Please take out your yellow focus and participation sheets from yesterday. What's your goal?

1. Warming up: The trust spectrum
•Are there people in this world whom you trust entirely? Do you fully trust your family? Your friends? Your teachers? Yourself?
•Explain what makes you trust person and what makes you distrust a person. Do you consider yourself a trusting person?
•Which is more dangerous—being overly trustful, or being skeptical of everyone?

Rank the following characters based on the extent to which you trust them: The witches, Macbeth, Banquo, Lady Macbeth, Duncan, the former Thane of Cawdor, Malcolm (be prepared to defend your responses)

2. Finish reading Act 1 (hopefully) with a focus on trust and deception

With each of the main characters (Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, and King Duncan), ask yourself the following questions:

  • Whom does he or she fully trust (if anyone) and why?
  • Whom does he or she kind of trust and why?
  • Whom does he or she not trust at all and why?

3. Cooling down with your grammar assignment of the week: "Capitalizing People, Professions, and Classes"

1. Complete your grammar assignment, "Capitalizing People, Professions, and Classes," if you did not finish in class today.  All grammar lessons can be found on

2. Continue creating word trace entries.  Everyone should have at least one or two entries by the end of Act 1.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR WORD TRACES ARE IN YOUR SHARED MACBETH FOLDER.

3. Banned book proposal, signatures, and actual book due this Friday.

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