Thursday, January 21, 2016

Manipulative or Manipulated? January 21, 2016

Focus: Is Macbeth being moved by evil, or is he creating evil in the universe around him?

1. Warming up with a little Act 2 minesweeper

2. Acting out Act 2, scenes 3 and 4: Using your sticky notes, please take charge of the following:
  • If your card is a heart...please mark any lines that a show the goodness and/or guilt in a character's heart
  • If your card is a diamond..please mark and analyze the use of sounds in these scenes. These can be actual sounds in the stage directions and also sounds referenced in characters' speeches.
  • If your card is a club...please keep track of all references to nature (weather, birds, water, etc) and consider how nature reflects what's happening onstage.
  • If your card is a spade...please keep track of all references to fear. What does each character fear, and how does this fear affect him or her?

3. Using your little observations to form bigger patterns:

  • Look at all of the instances in which your card topic (goodness, sounds, etc.) came up. What do they have in common? Try starting a sentence like this: 
    • Each time I see guilt in a character in Act 2, that character is...   
    • Each time there's knocking or a bird shrieking in Act 2...
  • So far, _______ (your card topic) seems to symbolize ___________ (bigger idea).
  • Look at the focus question at the top of this blog, and respond to it on the class blog. Try to weave your deep thoughts about your card topic into your response.

4. If time allows, viewing the film version of 2.1 with a symbolic focus

1. Update your word trace entries for Act 2, scenes 3 and 4. Everyone should have at least three entries (and hopefully more).

2. Brief quiz tomorrow on capitalization; make sure you have completed your assignment.

3. Bring your banned book to class tomorrow.


  1. I am convinced that Macbeth is being moved by evil rather than causing evil in the world around him. I think that throughout this whole play, Macbeth has been overcome by fear and horror that he has become more vulnerable to his wife's manipulations. I think it was Macbeth's absolute fear that lead him to hallucinate the dagger and that his emotions when too out of control, leading him to kill more people than he intended.

  2. I think that Macbeth is creating evil around him, because at the party with King Duncan, I could tell that Lady Macbeth felt comfortable, or at least acted that way around him. And after he killed King Duncan then all of madness started.

  3. I believe that Macbeth is being moved by the forces of evil because he has been trying to back out of killing Duncan but he is being pushed back into the act by forces such as Lady Macbeth or the hallucination of the dagger. He thinks that this is what he truly wants but instead he is a pawn of evil.

  4. So far, the representation of hands in Macbeth seem to symbolize the lost of innocence because in the most recent scenes, when Macbeth's hands are filled with blood, he freaks out about what he has done and how he has completely lost his innocence. He also talks about how all the water in the ocean couldn't wash the blood off of his hands which symbolizes that he can never regain his innocence or wash away his sins.

  5. I think Lady Macbeth started the evil that drove Macbeth to commit murder against Duncan, but when he took it upon himself to slay the servants, I think that was him creating his own evil because he lost all control. It didn't start of as Macbeth creating his own evil, but it's taken a hold of him and he's seen the power evil holds and he's using it to his liking. He started off as a good, loyal soldier, but now he is slowly descending into chaos and evil.

  6. Macbeth's evil is not starting from himself but from the evil that the witches have cursed him with. When he entered the book in act 1 he seemed to have no interest or need to be moved up in the rankings. As soon as the witches cursed him though was when the evil began to grow inside of him. So therefore, it was not his own evil nature but it is the creation of evil around him that is effecting him.

  7. I believe that Macbeth is creating evil in the universe around him. My card was nature, and nature is responding to the events that Macbeth caused. For example, after he killed Duncan, it was killing one of his own, much like when the horses killed each other. Also, he is hiding everything that is happening, which relates how it can be dark in the middle of the day.

  8. Macbeth is being moved by the forces of evil as if he had never received the prophecies from the witches, he wouldn't have been convinced by Lady Macbeth to murder Duncan to become king.

  9. I believe that Macbeth is being moved by forces of evil because he is having hallucinations that he can't control and Lady Macbeth manipulates him into doing things that he is unsure about. Also, before the witches cursed him, he would have never considered murdering the king

  10. I think that Macbeth is being moved by the evil around him. He is constantly under a lot of pressure and people like Lady Macbeth manipulate him, causing to do things he will likely regret. Without those people, Macbeth would never of done the evil things he did.

  11. I think that he evil around him (Lady Macbeth) is what caused him to kill king Duncan. But by killing the king he is causing a lot of evil because I think people will turn on people just to find out who killed the king.

  12. I think that Macbeth is being moved by evil. I feel like he doesn't want to do the hings that he is being pushed to do. I feel that it's mostly Lady Macbeth. When we were researching about hallucinations, and Erker mentioned that hallucinations sometimes has to do with guilt. I think that he is stressed about how he gets his title.

  13. I believe that MacBeth is both being moved by evil and creating evil around him because of the events happening and the murders he did.

  14. I feel like Macbeth is being moved by evil because Lady Macbeth is the one who influences him into killing Duncan. In my opinion Lady Macbeth is evil because she manipulated Macbeth to do something that she wouldn't do herself so Macbeth is being moved my Lady Macbeth who is evil.

  15. I think Macbeth is being moved by the evil around him, because lady Macbeth truly is evil. Without her I dont think Macbeth commits this crime. I think she influences him to do things that he doesn't want to do.

  16. First Macbeth was being moved by evil but as the story progresses and the witches prophicies start coming true he starts creating evil in the universe around him. An example of this is that Macbeth at first was stressing out about killing King Duncan but eventually he was able to kill King Duncan and then continue to kill more people after that and he wasn't even planning to take out the servants.

  17. In Act 2, every time that someone is scared, they tend to do something drastic or without thinking. This is most obviously displayed with Macbeth killing Duncan’s servants unnecessarily, as well as Malcolm and Donalbain’s plotting to escape to England and Ireland, respectively.

  18. Macbeth is moved by evil, and this is because if it weren't for Lady Macbeth convincing him to kill Duncan, he wouldn't have done it. The witches also seem evil, and they gave him hope of being king, which made him want to kill King Duncan even more. He had innocence (sort of) before he met the witches and Lady Macbeth, and he was loyal to the king.

  19. I think Macbeth is causing the evil that happens in scene 2 because everything was fine when the king was alive, and now there's panic and evil spread across the kingdom. Where strange unnatural things are happening in nature this is a sign of what evil Macbeth has brought upon his land.

  20. So far Macbeth is getting moved by evil. He didn't want to have to kill King Duncan but lady Macbeth forced him to. He didn't think that killing King Duncan was a true act of evil and he did it. If he was creating the evil he wouldn't have needed lady Macbeth to force him to.

  21. Macbeth is being moved by evil. He never felt liked the idea of killing Duncan, but something in his brain seemed to snap and he couldn't avoid it. Even afterwards, the guilt was instant and he didn't handle it very well. While he is still committing murder, he isn't throwing the evil into the mix, Lady Macbeth is starting it, and Macbeth is just following through.

  22. I think that Macbeth is being manipulated by evil, the witches have cursed him with things that bring good and evil on both sides. After being crowned Thane of Cawdor everything just kind of went south. Lady Macbeth had used her evil, which is another example of manipulation, to get Macbeth to murder the king, who was also his cousin. Which I feel that most wouldn't do in their right mind... Unless they were pressured to the point of insanity or somewhere along those lines.

  23. Macbeth is being moved by the evil around him. Had lady Macbeth not convinced him to kill Duncan he would have never though about it. Lady Macbeth has surrounded Macbeth with evil and that is influencing his actions.

  24. I think that Macbeth is being moved by the forces of evil because of Lady Macbeth and authority. I think this because Lady Macbeth is evil on the inside. She seems all nice and cute on the outside but her intentions are not good. And I think authority also contributes to evil because to have authority is a big responsibility and that could be driving him a little crazy.

  25. Macbeth is being moved by the evils around him. He is being manipulated and seduced by Lady Macbeth to perform certain tasks that overwhelms him. Lady Macbeth has brought evil upon Macbeth and is giving him hallucinations and is hearing certain noises that scares him and drives him crazy.

  26. Macbeth is being moved by the evils around him. Evils like temptation and greed are taking over him and forcing him to do these horrible things.

  27. I think that Macbeth is being moved by evil since we know that Lady Macbeth is manipulating him and used him to kill the King. He also had a bit of a push to kill from the witches since they told him he would be king so he would want to make it happen sooner than later.

  28. Macbeth is being moved by greed but even though that greed may have been drought on by the witches it is still his greed his lust he can still control it. He is being seduced by his wife, however It is still his choice wether he wants to create evil or to stop it and leave it where the witches left him.

  29. I think that Macbeth is being moved by the forces of evil through Lady Macbeth. Macbeth didn't want to kill King Duncan but was forced into it by Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth into doing the crime.

  30. I think that the theme of "fear" in the book has a huge impact on the characters in a way that controls the character. Each instance of fear has made the character act not like themselves. Macbeth killed the servants out of fear of being caught, for example. I also think that Macbeth is creating evil around him. The example I just gave is a great one that fits the category. He dug himself a hole by killing the servants, therefor spreading evil.

  31. I think that the universe started Macbeth with being evil but after it started him it's his own fault things are happening now.

  32. I think that the Evil around Macbeth is moving him. Lady Macbeth influenced him into killing him, the witches are in his mind and make him feel like he has to. The setting of the dark days are going to influence him. Now that he has killed Duncan he is going to feel like he can do anything. The evil around him is getting to his mind.

  33. I believe that Macbeth is both being moved by evil and creating evil. I think that evil is leading him to do evil acts and when he does them they become more sinister. For example Lady Macbeth (the evil) is leading Macbeth to kill the king (evil act) and in the process he also kills the servants so he is both being led by evil and creating evil.

  34. I am convinced that he is being more by evil but I feel that he is still doing evil by himself. He didn't have to do any of the things like he didn't have to kill the king and then kill the servants.

  35. I think Macbeth is being moved by the evil around him. Without Lady Macbeth he wouldn't have done the evil things he did.

  36. I think he is both creating evil and is moved by it. He is driven by his desire for personal gain. He killed the king because he wants to become king. I think that that event is going to drive him towards evil for the rest of the play.

  37. Macbeth is doing a little bit of both. He is being moved by Lady Macbeth who does everything in her power to keep control, whether she seduces him or threatens him. Although Macbeth is enslaved by her thoughts and actions, he has the choice to take charge. The evil that she brings him makes him commit evil acts, therefor creating it for himself.

  38. Macbeth is definitely being moved by the evils around him, namely Lady Macbeth. I think Macbeth is a little fearful of her, and therefore is easily manipulated by her. To make matters worse, every time he hallucinates or feels guilty about his crime, his fear only grows.


  39. I believe that Macbeth is being moved by evil but is also creating evil in the universe. Lady Macbeth is pushing him to do dark and evil things that normally he wouldn’t do, but he is also creating evil by doing those things and creating a darker environment and losing control of himself and his actions.

  40. I believe that Macbeth is both being moved by evil and creating evil. I think that evil is leading him to do evil acts and when he does them they become more sinister. For example Lady Macbeth (the evil) is leading Macbeth to kill the king (evil act) and in the process he also kills the servants so he is both being led by evil and creating evil.

  41. I think that he is being strongly moved by evil around him. It's almost like as soon as he has his first evil thought, the goodness in him has been reversed and he is moved and manipulated by that. Not only by Lady Macbeth, but by his own thoughts as well, and he is taken over by that.

  42. In retrospect, Macbeth is creating the evil in the universe around him because once he murdered the king, he realized the privileges he received like the crown that promises him the ultimate power. However, I believe that Lady Macbeth was the reason why he began to construct evil around him because she was the reason why he discovered the outcome of eliminating someone that was in his way to get what he desired most.

  43. I think he is creating evil. Every since the witches have basically told him he would become king, bad things started to happen. The presence of him has just brought the presence of evil.

  44. I think that Macbeth is being moved by evil because the witches planted the idea of being king in his head and Lady Macbeth is capitalizing on that. Lady Macbeth is manipulating him and forcing him to do things that he might not want to. I think this is what is influencing the evil actions he begins performing.

  45. I think that the evil is taking over ans surrounding these people. Making them think and act differently. I think that the evil is what is making them do that. I don't think that they were already evil

  46. Macbeth is being motivated by evil. If he is ill enough to kill the king for power, then it has to come from something within. Macbeth thought of killing the king prior to Lady Macbeth's encouragement.

  47. Macbeth seems to be controlled by the evil powers that surround him. Lady Macbeth is overwhelmed by greed and she is pushing Macbeth into the darkness and he doesn't fight back because he still believes that he can still trust her.

  48. I think that the evil is taking over ans surrounding these people. Making them think and act differently. I think that the evil is what is making them do that. I don't think that they were already evil
