1. Warming up with happy Monday thoughts and self-editing your script
2. Offering you a few film-making options:
- If your film will be five minutes or less (or you're willing to pay), try www.wevideo.com
- If you have a Mac, use iMovie.
- If you have a laptop with Windows and your film will be longer than five minutes, try Movie Maker.
Here are two helpful conversion websites:
MUSIC: Click HERE for a website that converts youtube music videos to MP3s (this is an easy way to get music for your film).
VIDEO: Click HERE for a website that converts youtube videos into videos (MP4s) you can use in your film.
1. Record your narration at home.
2. MAY 11 is the final deadline for revisions, make-up work, etc.
4. MAY 13 is the final deadline for mockumentaries; no extensions will be granted.
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