Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Catching Up: February 9, 2016

Focus: What's catching up to the characters in Macbeth? How can you and I catch up?

1. Warming up: How much of Act 4 did you understand?

2. Performing 5.1 together and talking through your 5.1 questions and responses

3. Looking to your word traces:

Consider our focus question of the week:
  • What's catching up to the characters as we approach the ending of the play?
  • Or, what have they sacrificed, and was it worth it?
Try to connect these thoughts to some of your conclusions in your word trace.

For example, Jacob noticed in his seventh journal entry on "night" the following: The more nights that go by, the more evil is spread. Pain, fear, death, etc. all these are emotions that are coming from night. The author puts sets the mood for bad things by having them occur at night. It causes the reader to prepare for evil when night falls.

What a smart young man Jacob is!

Here's what he could add with regard to today's focus question: As night seems to dominate the play more and more, it becomes clear that Macbeth has sacrificed his ability to return to state of goodness. Night doesn't bring sleep or any kind of break from what he's done; he will be tormented until his dying day. He sacrificed his morals for power, and it wasn't worth it.

4. Viewing the film version of Act 4 and 5.1: Click HERE for the film version: Act 4 starts around 1:24:30 (this is the BBC version; the Polanski version of Act 4 is too horrifying to show)

1. Final versions of your word traces are due this Friday at the latest. Remember that you should have at least eight entries.

2. Read your banned book; make sure you're on track to finish by Feb 22.

3. There is a www.noredink.com assignment this week called "Verb Tenses" to help you understand active vs. passive voice. IF YOU RECEIVED A 17/20 OR BETTER ON LAST WEEK'S QUIZ, YOU ARE EXEMPT FROM THIS ASSIGNMENT. Also the only grammar quiz this Friday will be an optional retake on Active vs. Passive Voice. There will not be a quiz on verb tenses; this lesson is to help you with active vs. passive voice.

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