1. Warming up by crossing the threshold
According to Merriam-Webster, here is what a "threshold" is:
noun thresh·old \ˈthresh-ˌhōld, ˈthre-ˌshōld\
: a piece of wood, metal, or stone that forms the bottom of a door and that you walk over as you enter a room or building
: the point or level at which something begins or changes
Full Definition of THRESHOLD
a : the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced <has a high threshold for pain>
b : a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not
- What world is the hero leaving?
- What world is the hero entering?
- Who is guarding the threshold? What effect does this guardian have on the hero?
- Which definition of "threshold" above best works for this particular crossing?
- As the hero crosses this threshold, what aspect of himself/herself must he/she leave behind? What aspects must he/she embrace?
b. Reading about this step of the hero's journey and understanding what it means
c. Flip back through Chapter 19, and try to answer the same questions as above, but with Amir in mind:
- What world is Amir leaving?
- What world is Amir entering?
- Who is guarding the threshold? What effect does this guardian have on Amir?
- Which definition of "threshold" above best works for this particular crossing?
- As Amir crosses this threshold, what aspect of himself must he leave behind? What aspect must he embrace?
2. Entering Fishbowl #5: Chapters 19 and 20
Please prepare for Thursday's fishbowl by reading and annotating/journaling Chapters 21, 22, and 23 (this is your penultimate reading assignment for Kite Runner!).
Parents: Hopefully, your child gave you the letter I sent home last week regarding conferences. Because I am a part-time teacher, I will only be at parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday night. If this is inconvenient for you, please contact me at kleclaire@lps.k12.co.us to set up a different time.
Please prepare for Thursday's fishbowl by reading and annotating/journaling Chapters 21, 22, and 23 (this is your penultimate reading assignment for Kite Runner!).
Parents: Hopefully, your child gave you the letter I sent home last week regarding conferences. Because I am a part-time teacher, I will only be at parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday night. If this is inconvenient for you, please contact me at kleclaire@lps.k12.co.us to set up a different time.
Farid once said to Amir, "You’ve always been a tourist here, you just didn’t know it". Did Farid have justification in saying that Amir didn't know the true Afghanistan?
ReplyDeleteSince Amir left and went to America I feel like the people hold somewhat of a grudge. It is like when you know a Denver Bronco fan until they loose in the playoffs and become a Patriots fan by "heart" however, return a Broncos fan the next season. There is somewhat of a doubt and feeling cautious towards how Amir is. Baba and Amir left to be safe, and Afghanistan got worse after they left. Amir doesn't know how Afghanistan got after they left, I think that's what he is trying to say.
DeleteI think he did because Amir was only a kid in Afghanistan. This might have blinded Amir's perspective of Afghanistan.
Delete"But Farid, the driver, "snickered." He did not consider Amir as a true Afghan, since he and Baba had left their homeland when the Russians first invaded." This was right after Amir said, "I feel like a tourist in my own country." This shows his grudge towards how they left. Baba knew the Russians were invading and left for his and Amir's safety. Farid stays angry at this because Afghanistan grew much worse once the Russians invaded, this is what Farid is referencing when he says Amir doesn't know the "true Afghanistan." That is the Afghanistan invaded by the Russians which Amir is not fully aware of how bad Afghanistan is.
DeleteHe did because Amir has lived in a big house, but he has gone through so much more than many people will ever have to go through. Hassan's rape, mother dying in labor, and he is blamed for it, when his dad finally seems to forgive him and they are in a good relationship, he gets cancer and dies. When Amir finds out when Hassan is his brother, and he gets murdered. Amir has not been killed or raped, but he has definitely gone through more than the average person
DeleteWhy does Farid, along with the other Afghanistan people, treat Amir so harsh without hearing what he actually came back for? On page 236, Farad says, "It's always the same thing," Farid said. "Sell this land, sell that house, collect the money, and run away like a mouse." They just assumed that Amir was only there to make money and leave, but Amir had an important mission.
ReplyDeleteThe people were angry that Amir left but they couldn't. They hold grudges against him for leaving them behind in a sense. Amir didn't want to leave but the people don't understand that. It was the best move for his safety and Baba chose to go. The people quickly assume because they are angry and don't want to hear his side of the story.
DeleteIf Amir sold the house I think Amir would feel even more guilt because Hassan died because he was trying to protect it so I don't think he would sell the house, people don't understand Amir's story and what he is going through.
DeleteOn page 241 we find out that Wahid gave Amir food instead of the his children why is this?