1. Warming up with attention-grabbers: Click HERE to peruse popular TED talks
- Watch the first 30 seconds of several TED talks. Which attention-grabbers did you like? What ideas can you steal for your own book talk?
- If you're in need of inspiration, watch one TED talk in its entirety and consider how the speech is organized and how the speaker delivers it compellingly (voice, posture, pace, etc).
2. Thinking about what needs your attention most right now:
- Your speech?
- Your rough draft of the hero's journey essay?
Book Talk Q & A from yesterday:
Question #1: What is this speech supposed to be about? I know I'm supposed to talk about my independent reading book, but...
Here's what it boils down to:
- What three aspects of your book fascinated you the most?
- Why?
- Why should the audience care, too?
Question #2: Am I supposed to summarize my book?
- You don't need to dedicate a significant portion of your speech to summarizing. Just give us what we need to understand your main points.
Question #3: What should I put on my slides?
Click here for an example of how NOT to use your slides.
My advice:
- Use them sparingly.
- Include a title slide.
- Use them for emphasis or for things you can see but not say, like a picture or video.
- Proofread them carefully.
1. For Monday: Finish the first half of your rough draft. For example, if you're discussing The Kite Runner first in your essay, then complete your analysis of your example from The Kite Runner.
2. Draft your speech at least a few days before presenting; this way, you'll have time to practice.